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APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates effective as of March 20, 2025.

Mortgage Rates Learn More

Program Name Interest Rate APR Payment
15 YR FRM (15 Yr) 7.000% 7.165% $1348.24
Conventional (30Yr) 7.490% 7.599% $1047.79
5 YR ARM (30 Yr) 6.600%* 6.669% $957.99
VA Loan (30 Yr) Call or e- mail for  best rate!
Rural Dev (30 Yr) 7.100% 7.814% $1028.62


Payment calculations are based on Sale Amount: $187,500, 20% Down, $150,000 Loan Amount (Term indicated in product name). Rates are subject to change without notice. Payments do not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums (if applicable) and your actual payment obligation will be greater. * initial rate - rate may change after consummation 

Auto/Truck Loans

Auto/Trucks Credit Scores (&Fixed Rates)  
Model Year 740 Plus 700-739 699 or Less Maximum Term
2025-2024 7.50% 9.50% 14.00% 72 Months
2023-2022 7.50% 9.50% 14.00% 66 Months
2021-2018 7.50% 9.50% 14.00% 48 Months
2017 & Older 9.50% 11.50% 14.50% 48 Months

EXAMPLE: A $2,500.00 secured personal loan financed for 60 months at an interest rate of 12.00% = a monthly payment of $55.61

This information is a hypothetical estimate. This is not a guarantee, agreement, or commitment to loan funds or extend credit. Interest rates and terms are accurate as of today and are subject to change at any time without notice. You must submit an application to have your credit request considered. All loan applications are subject to credit approval.


Motorcycles Credit Scores (& Fixed Rates)  
Model Year 740 Plus 700-739 699 or Less Maximum Term
2025-2024 9.50% 11.50% 14.50% 66 Months
2023-2022 9.50% 11.50% 14.50% 66 Months
2021& Older 9.50% 11.50% 14.50% 48 Months

EXAMPLE: A $10,000.00 secured personal loan financed for 60 months at an interest rate of 12.0000%  would equal a payment of $222.44.

This information is a hypothetical estimate. This is not a guarantee, agreement, or commitment to loan funds or extend credit. Interest rates and terms are accurate as of today and are subject to change at any time without notice. You must submit an application to have your credit request considered. All loan applications are subject to credit approval.

Boats/Trailers/Travel Trailers/Campers/RV's

Credit Scores & Fixed Rates 
Category 740 Plus 700-739 699 or Less Maximum Term
New: $10,000 and over 9.50% 11.50% 14.50%

10 Years

New: Under $10,000 9.50% 11.50% 14.50%

5 Years

Used 9.50% 11.50% 14.50%

5 Years

EXAMPLE: A $10,000.00 secured personal loan financed for 60 months at an interest rate of 12.0000%  would equal a payment of $222.44.

This information is a hypothetical estimate. This is not a guarantee, agreement, or commitment to loan funds or extend credit. Interest rates and terms are accurate as of today and are subject to change at any time without notice. You must submit an application to have your credit request considered. All loan applications are subject to credit approval.

Personal Loans/Home Improvement/Snowmobiles/Utility Trailers/Jet Ski

Personal Loan, Home Improvement, Snowmobile, Lawn Tractor, Jet Ski, Utility Trailer (Over $2,500)
Category Credit Scores (& Fixed Rates) Maximum Term
  740 Plus 700-739 699-680 680/Less  
Secured 9.50% 11.50% 14.50% 17.50% 5 Years
Unsecured 12.50% 13.50% 17.50% 21.50% 5 Years
Personal Loan, Home Improvement, Snowmobile, Lawn Tractor, Jet Ski, Utility Trailer ($1,500-$2,499)
Secured 17.50% 18.50% 18.50% 18.50% 5 Years
Unsecured 18.50% 21.50% 21.50% 21.50% 5 Years

EXAMPLE: A $10,000.00 secured personal loan financed for 60 months at an interest rate of 12.0000%  would equal a payment of $222.44.

A $1500.00 unsecured personal loan financed for 60 months at an interest rate of 19.0000% would equal a payment of $38.91.

This information is a hypothetical estimate. This is not a guarantee, agreement, or commitment to loan funds or extend credit. Interest rates and terms are accurate as of today and are subject to change at any time without notice. You must submit an application to have your credit request considered. All loan applications are subject to credit approval.


Deposit Rates

APY = Annual Percentage Yield.  Rates effective  May 4, 2023.  Fees may reduce earnings.

CD Rates/IRA Rates Learn More

Term Minimum Opening Deposit Minimum Balance to Obtain Annual Percentage Yield Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
6 month (N/A IRA) $2,500.00 $2,500.00 .75% .76%
12 month $500.00 $500.00 .95% .97%
15 month $500.00 $500.00 2.25% 2.31%
18 month $500.00 $500.00 .95% .97%
24 month $500.00 $500.00 .95% .97%
30 month $500.00 $500.00 1.25% 1.28%
31 month (One Time Rate Change Option) $500.00 $500.00 1.50% 1.53%
36 month $500.00 $500.00 1.20% 1.22%
48 month $500.00 $500.00 .95% .97%
59 month $500.00 $500.00 1.85% 1.89%
60 month (One Time Rate Change Option) $500.00 $500.00 .95% .97%
72 month $500.00 $500.00 2.00% 2.05%

A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.

Money Market Rates Learn More

Daily Balance Minimum Opening Deposit Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Up to $2,499.99 $2,500.00 0.00% 0.00%
$2,500.00 - $4,999.99 $2,500.00 0.00% 0.00%
$5,000.00 - $9,999.99 $2,500.00 0.00% 0.00%
$10,000.00 - $39,999.99 $2,500.00 0.10% 0.10%
$40,000.00 - $9,999,999.00 $2,500.00 0.10% 0.10%

The interest rate and annual percentage yield may change after account opening.
Fees could reduce the earnings on the account.

Checking Rates

Account Type Minimum Opening Deposit Minimum Balance* Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
50+ Free Interest Checking With Rewards $25.00 $0.00 0.01% 0.01%
VIP Free Interest Checking With Rewards $25.00 $0.00 0.01% 0.01%
High Interest Checking (Balances up to $2,499.99)
With Rewards
$25.00 $0.00 0.00% 0.00%
High Interest Checking (Balances $2,500.00-$25,000)
With Rewards
$25.00 $2,500.00 0.10% 0.10%
High Interest Checking (Balances above $25,001)
With Rewards
$25.00 $25,001 0.10% 0.10%
Free Checking With Rewards $25.00 $0.00 0.00% 0.00%

*Daily balance. The amount of the principal in the account each day.
The interest rate and annual percentage yield may change after account opening.
Fees could reduce the earnings on the account.

Savings Rates

Account Type Minimum Opening Deposit Minimum Balance* Interest Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Statement Savings $10.00 $10.00 0.10% 0.10%

*Daily balance. The amount of the principal in the account each day.
The interest rate and annual percentage yield may change after account opening.
Fees could reduce the earnings on the account.